slowdown in the growth rate of exports

slowdown in the growth rate of exports
снижение темпов роста экспорта

English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "slowdown in the growth rate of exports" в других словарях:

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  • Economic history of the Republic of Ireland — The state described today as the Republic of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1922. The state was plagued by poverty and emigration until the 1960s and again in the 1970s and 1980s. The 1990s saw the… …   Wikipedia

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  • Economic history of the United Kingdom — The economic history of the United Kingdom deals with the history of the economy of the United Kingdom from the creation of the Kingdom of Great Britain on May 1st, 1707,[1] with the political union of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of… …   Wikipedia

  • economic growth — Process by which a nation s wealth increases over time. The most widely used measure of economic growth is the real rate of growth in a country s total output of goods and services (gauged by the gross domestic product adjusted for inflation, or… …   Universalium

  • HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Industrial history of the People's Republic of China — Main articles: Economy and economic history of the People s Republic of China. China s industrial sector has shown great progress since 1949, but in the late 1980s it remained undeveloped in many respects. Although the country manufactured… …   Wikipedia

  • Accession of Turkey to the European Union — Infobox EU accession bid status = Candidate nation = Turkey national denonym = Turkish chapters opened = 10 chapters closed = 1 national GDP PPP = 941.584 national area total = 783,562 national population = 70,586,256 website =… …   Wikipedia

  • National fiscal policy response to the late 2000s recession — Many nations of the world have enacted fiscal stimulus plans in response to the global, ongoing recession. These nations have used different combinations of government spending and tax cuts to boost their sagging economies. Most of these plans… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… …   Universalium

  • Economy of the Netherlands — Currency Euro Fiscal year calendar year Trade organisations EU, WTO and OECD Statistics GDP …   Wikipedia

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